Conflict of Interest Management Statement - Pro Global

Conflict of Interest Management Statement

The Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) rules require that Pro establishes and maintains effective organisational arrangements to identify and prevent or manage conflicts of interest.Pro is committed to treating all clients fairly and with integrity and therefore conducts its business activities in accordance with FCA rules and regulations and ensures that systems, controls and procedures are in place to effectively monitor and manage any conflicts of interest between all involved parties, in the following manner;
  • Adequate research is carried out before proceeding with any new assignment to avoid or reduce any chances of potential conflicts arising
  • Any potential or actual Conflicts of interest will be recorded and managed to ensure a fair and equitable treatment of all parties.
  • Conflicted parties will be advised on how we are proposing to manage any conflict.
  • Services provided will be carried out in a fair and compliant manner
  • All potential and actual Conflicts are reported to Pro’s Group Compliance team to ensure that the Group policy* is upheld.
  • All Pro employees are trained to identify and report conflicts of interest.
*Pro’s Policy on Conflicts of Interest is available upon request.

Complaint concerns

Please visit our complaints page for details or use our contact page.