Maximising the Benefits of Public Sector Insurance Claims - Pro Global

Maximising the Benefits of Public Sector Insurance Claims

A Path to Streamlining Processes and Saving Money for the Public Purse


March 2, 2023

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As the Head of UK Specialty Claims at Pro Global, I would like to shed some light on how local authorities and public sector bodies can save money for the public by simplifying their insurance claims processes.

Having appropriate insurance arrangements is crucial for the public sector to deliver services more effectively and to provide resilience to this critical sector of our economy. However, managing insurance claims in the public sector can be a complex and costly process. Unlike central government, local authorities cannot rely on the strength of the public sector balance sheet to finance insurance and insurance claims – instead, they must work independently to manage the risks they face, relying on the insurance industry for support.

Effective controls and streamlined processes are therefore essential for public sector bodies and local authorities to get the most out of their insurance arrangements and avoid financial losses or delays in claims.

The public sector faces ongoing financial pressures, which leads to a heightened need to focus on driving operational efficiencies and resilience. However, the fragmented nature of the market presents many challenges and can drain resources across various disciplines including risk management, the quality of data and management information, and duplication of effort and resources. To address these challenges and achieve effective claims management, an innovative approach is necessary to control costs and add tangible value. 

The rise of cyber and data security risks also presents a significant challenge for the public sector, and a lack of a robust digital strategy can hinder effective risk management. The solution lies in an integrated public sector claims management platform that presents a single version of the truth and offers reduced duplication, automation, and cyber security. 

This is where Pro Global can help as our claims management platform is backed by a team of insurance claims experts. Our platform is secure by default and reduces the need to share sensitive materials outside a secure domain, while providing automation and enhanced data insights to help users make informed decisions. The combination of our technology enabled capability and our experience team, which has a long history of transforming claims management processes in the insurance industry and can help simplify the complexities of public sector insurance claims, drive better outcomes and save money for the public purse.

Meet our expert

Name: Mike Mackenzie

Job title: Head of Specialist Claims

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