Prepare for the 2024 Hurricane Season: Essential Business Strategies - Pro Global

Prepare for the 2024 Hurricane Season: Essential Business Strategies

Discover essential strategies for businesses to prepare for the challenging 2024 hurricane season. Learn about data accuracy, risk modelling, and communication plans to ensure resilience.


July 24, 2024

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The upcoming hurricane season could be one of the most challenging in recent memory. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Atlantic hurricane season in 2023 saw 21 named storms, making it one of the most active seasons on record. 


As North, Central, South America and the Caribbean brace for what could be the most severe hurricane season in years, businesses must take proactive steps to ensure resilience and quick recovery. Proactive preparedness is essential for mitigating the impact of hurricanes on operations and the wider community. By focusing on data accuracy, risk modelling, quality checks, and robust communication plans, companies can build a solid foundation for disaster response. 

These proactive measures not only protect business assets but also contribute to the safety and wellbeing of employees and stakeholders. Preparing in advance allows businesses to respond more effectively, reducing downtime and aiding faster recovery.

The Power of Preparation

Accurate data is vital and by ensuring your data is up-to-date and reliable, you equip yourself with the insights needed to assess risk and handle claims efficiently. According to the Insurance Information Institute, the 2020 hurricane season resulted in over $60 billion in insured losses, underscoring the critical need for precise data. Think of it as your early warning system, helping you pinpoint vulnerabilities and fortify your defences.

But data is just the beginning. Comprehensive risk modelling and simulations are your virtual dress rehearsals, allowing you to visualise potential damage and stress-test your responses. This isn’t about predicting the future; it’s about being prepared for multiple scenarios so you can allocate resources wisely and pivot as needed. Quality checks are your quality assurance. By rigorously testing your systems, data, and team readiness, you’ll identify gaps and address them before they become critical failures.

Communication is also crucial and is what keeps your team aligned, your stakeholders informed, and your community connected. A well-crafted communication plan acts as a bridge, ensuring that everyone knows their role and can act decisively when it matters most. According to a survey by Agility Recovery, 73% of businesses have a crisis communication plan, but only 27% of them practise it regularly. Ensuring regular drills and updates to your communication strategy can vastly improve response times and efficiency.

Beyond the Storm: Responsive Support

When a hurricane hits, administrative efficiency becomes paramount. The ability to manage a surge in claims and tasks can mean the difference between swift recovery and prolonged disruption. Streamlined processes, coupled with effective claims management, can quickly restore normality and provide vital support to affected communities. The Insurance Journal highlights that businesses with pre-established claims processes and automation saw a 40% reduction in processing time during the 2017 hurricane season.

Technology can also be leveraged effectively through automation and data analytics, allowing you to expedite post-event tasks, reduce errors, and offer real-time insights to guide your recovery efforts. Collaboration with local authorities and emergency services strengthens your response, ensuring a coordinated and effective approach. During Hurricane Maria in 2017, businesses that collaborated with local agencies and had clear recovery plans in place were able to resume operations 30% faster than those without.

A Partner in Resilience

At Pro Global, we understand that crisis management isn’t a one-and-done exercise. It’s a continuous cycle of learning, adapting, and innovating. We leverage our experience and cutting-edge technology to help you not just weather the storm but thrive in its aftermath. We offer a range of audit services designed to enhance your resilience. These include loss fund audits, claims (insurance & reinsurance) peer reviews, third-party administrator (TPA) audits, MGA audit services, regulatory audits, among others. These audit services can help you to identify potential weaknesses and provide actionable insights to strengthen your operations, which in turn assist your business in being not only compliant, but also optimised for resilience.

Whilst the hurricane season can be a time of uncertainty, we understand that preparing for these events is a priority for your business. We have extensive experience in helping businesses prepare for and respond to disasters and can provide you with the tools and strategies you need to navigate this challenging time.

Preparation is not just about safeguarding your business assets; it’s about ensuring the safety and wellbeing of your employees and the community. By taking proactive steps now, you can minimise the impact of hurricanes and ensure a quicker return to normality.

Visit our website or contact us directly to learn more about how we can assist you.

Meet our expert

Name: Guillermo Ogan

Job title: Head of Claims (LatAm)

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