An insurance claims adviser local authorities can trust - Pro Global

An insurance claims adviser local authorities can trust

Harnessing technology and complex claims expertise to streamline public sector insurance claims management can save money for the public purse


April 28, 2023

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Harnessing technology and complex claims expertise to streamline public sector insurance claims management can save money for the public purse, says Pro Global Head of Specialist Claims Michael Mackenzie

Navigating and streamlining insurance claims is a complex process for the public sector and local authorities. Having appropriate insurance arrangements is essential so they can deliver services effectively and provide resilience to this critical sector of the economy.

However, unlike central government, local authorities must work independently to manage the risks they face and rely on the insurance industry for support. The fragmented nature of the market presents many challenges and can drain resources across various disciplines, including risk management, data quality, management information, and duplication of effort and resources.

Integrated “Single” platform

An innovative approach is necessary to control costs and add tangible value, and this is where a long-term trusted partner can help. Pro Global provides an integrated public sector claims management platform that enables key stakeholders to operate in a shared platform, presenting a single version of the truth, reducing duplication, leveraging automation, strengthening cyber security and data protection (by reducing the need to share sensitive materials outside the secure domain).

Our platform is backed by a team of insurance claims experts who can help simplify the complexities of public sector insurance claims and drive better outcomes. Pro Global’s technology-enabled capability and experience can save money for the public purse by through specialist claims strategies being brought to bear, leveraging automation, and informed by enhanced data insights, ensuring claims strategies are appropriate and effective.

Local authorities face significant challenges every day, with the continuing need to reduce costs and increasing pressure from central government for public and regulatory bodies to provide high levels of service at reduced cost. Pro Global understands the importance of providing claims management expertise in a way and at a cost that delivers effective results and controls overall spend.

Reducing the cost of claims

Our expertise spans matters concerning Employers’ and Public Liability (including complex disease, illness and sensitive abuse/social care claims), Professional Indemnity, General Liability, Healthcare, Legal Expenses, Motor, and Property insurance. Our claims ethos is to investigate the right claims from the desktop and instruct field force adjusters only where necessary, working closely with clients in partnership to reduce the total cost of claims.

Pro Global’s proprietary claims management software Pelican also enables us to help local authorities monitor their exposure, and offer security against growing numbers of cyber attacks and other emerging risks.

Communication is key when it comes to claims. Working with an established and trusted partner like Pro Global can help local authorities and the public sector navigate and streamline the complex liability insurance claims they face. Our innovative approach can save money for the public purse and drive better outcomes by providing an integrated public sector claims management platform backed by a team of insurance claims experts.

Get in touch to find out more. 

Meet our expert

Name: Michael Mackenzie

Job title: Head of Specialist Clams

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